

Building a Solid Foundation for Security

Inquest Detection offers a meticulous array of security services tailored to the unique needs of the construction industry, with a strong emphasis on our General Security Dog Teams. Our services are designed to safeguard construction sites, which are often vulnerable to theft, vandalism, and trespassing, ensuring that projects remain on track and within budget.

Security for Construction Businesses

Inquest Detection is committed to providing a secure foundation for construction businesses. By utilising our General Security Dog Teams in conjunction with a suite of adaptable security solutions, we deliver vigilant protection that is responsive to the evolving nature of construction sites. Our goal is to ensure that every project can proceed uninterrupted, with the confidence that the site and assets are comprehensively safeguarded.

Comprehensive Site Assessments

Inquest Detection conducts thorough site assessments to identify specific security requirements for each construction project. By understanding the site’s layout, access points, and critical assets, we can deploy our General Security Dog Teams in the most effective manner.


We offer a range of capabilities and services bespoke to your needs

Case Uses

Our working dogs can be used in a variety of applications and case uses

General Security Dog Teams

At the forefront of our construction security services are our General Security Dog Teams. These teams combine the heightened sensory capabilities of our dogs with the expertise of their handlers to provide a formidable security presence. Our dogs are trained to patrol large areas, including perimeters and zones that may be difficult to monitor solely by human presence. Their acute senses enable them to detect and alert their handlers to any unauthorised access or suspicious activity, often before a human guard would notice.

While our General Security Dog Teams are a pivotal part of our service offering, we can also integrate additional security measures such as static guards, CCTV monitoring and canine detection teams to create a multi-layered security strategy tailored to the construction environment.

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Our Clients

We work with a variety of organisations around the UK & Ireland.


Learn more about how our solutions can help.

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